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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My good deed for the day.

i was at the store today,
because my sister is super sick.
she has been throwing up all day.
i sooo don't wanna catch that.
i went to the store.
i got her some medicine.
i got her some crackers.
and some gadorade for the electrolytes.
i got myself some vitamin C tablets so i can keep my immune system up.

i was standing in line, and there was this elderly woman in front of me.
she had a lot of groceries in her basket and couldn't bend very well to get them.
i asked her if i could help her, and she was very happy about them.
as it was ringing up, she asked me why she was there, and where she was.
i was like.. you just went shopping for food at ralph's.
the lady at the cashier told her the total,
so she got out her credit card.
she didn't know how to use the machine very well.
and the bagger and cashier lady were getting impatient.
so they did it for her.
i thought it was so very rude.
when it came to my turn, about 15 minutes later,
i paid for my items, and quickly found her again.
she forgot how she got there.
i asked her if she drove.
and she said no.
i asked her if someone dropped her off.
and she said yes.
i asked her who, and she said the taxi cab.
i offered to call her another cab because she refused to let me take her where she needed to go.
so i called her the cab, and waited with her until it came.
i learned her name was Dorothy.
her husband passed away about 5 years ago.
she has 4 grown children and about 15 grandchildren.
throughout the conversation,
every so often,
she asked me who i was.
and where she was.
and why she was outside.
it broke my heart.
once the cab came, she forgot where she lived.
i asked her if i could see her drivers licence,
so i told the cab driver to go there.
i hope she got there alright.
i really wish her the best.

before she left, she said "thank you for standing with me in this awful weather, and thank you for the great conversation"

it brought tears to my eyes to see her like that.
she's all alone.
obviously going insane,
and losing her mind slowly.
and no one is there to help her.
if someone was there to help her,
they would have been there in the store with her.
and not made her take a taxi to get there.

i think i could be an amazing nurse.
i feel it's my calling.
i want to help people.
in all kinds of circumstances.

i wish her the best.


Katrina said...

ok that's extremly sweet of you to take time and help that woman. Everyone should do it, world would really be a better place!

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWW LLULUUUUU!!! this story was soooo cuteee! I actually read the whole thing and it made me aww from beginning to end! I really hope that old lady finds someone to be with, although that's highly unlikely. :( I don't wanna end up like her...Ohhh her stupid stupid kids. Leaving her. All alone..